Eco House was shown on TV in the “Houses of the future”
Watch here:
fot. Tomasz Jedrzejczak
This project of sustainable house is located in the protected landscape area Nature 2000, surrounded by beech and oak forests, horse riding meadows and agricultural lands.
Number of analysises defined the final shape of the house, among them:
– analysis of functional plan – division into day, night, technical and working zones,
– analysis of solar radiation – to optimize solar gain and to create interiors with proper natural light,
– analysis of exterior views and plot shape – to take the most advantage of the house location,
– building technology to be used
The house in not huge, but there is a spacious day zone inside, that is open up to 5 m height. Its main pride is a conrete wall and bearing mounting stairs.
The building is designed in way to optimize the energy gain and loss. Sustainability of the house comes not only from unique technology but also out of architectural form and shape that harmonizes with nature.
Simulations of the sun positions in different periods of a year allowed to create proper arrangement of the house layout and glass partition in way to gain heat in winter and to reduce overwheating in summer. Energy efficient Izodom technology was used to minimize heat loss.
Eco House
Project: BXBstudio Bogusław Barnaś
Photos & Graphics: BXBstudio Bogusław Barnaś
Photo no 13: Tomasz Jedrzejczak
Collaboration: Dominika Ropek
Consultations: Wiesław Ziembla
Location: South Poland
Date: 2012-2015
Total area: 215 sqm
Client: Private